Connect Wealth Launches Today

Author: Vince Olfert, MBA, CIM, CFP®

Welcome to Connect Wealth

After nearly a year of preparation, today we officially launch our new name and new look. We are excited to be celebrating this milestone and to begin this new phase of our journey together with you!

At Connect Wealth we:

  1. Value our ability to Connect with you, our clients, to help you navigate your financial future,
  2. Develop financial strategies to Connect your finances with your goals,
  3. Work diligently to Connect our clients with specialists that we recommend for specific business or advanced personal planning needs.

Connecting with our clients is our passion. If you have any questions or would like to contact us, we would love to hear from you!

How technology has made a difference…
Remember that great invention, the magic eight ball? You ask it a question, shake it and then turn it over to reveal the answer. If only all of life’s difficult questions could be answered so easily!

When it comes to retirement planning, people have a lot of questions but often times they do not know how to address them. Our goal is to help our clients have a clear understanding of where they are at financially, where they want to be in the future and how to get there. Sounds simple and yet so many Canadians are not prepared for retirement. Read more

Four Tips For An Executor
Have you said yes to be an executor for someone’s will? Do you know what the role entails? If you talk with someone that has performed the duties it can be a lot more work than you might first think. Here are some tips to help prepare you for the task.

If you are asking yourself, what is an executor, here goes. An executor is the person named in a will to carry out the requests and estate distribution of the deceased. Read more

It’s Not That Much Anymore…
Is a million enough? It used to be that having a million dollars was a big deal, right? You were set for life with no cares or worries financially. When did that change?

Have you ever made any statements such as; I remember when gas was only 25 cents per litre. As my kids remind me, yes I am getting older but it also means that inflation is slowly affecting the cost of living.

If you had a million dollars saved to provide for retirement, how much income would you have? Read more