Probate or Not: The Benefits of Having a Will

Having a will is crucial to minimize probate fees as it provides clear instructions on how to distribute assets, streamlining the legal process and potentially reducing the financial burden on beneficiaries.
Creating Something that Outlives You – How to Transfer Generational Wealth Successfully

Transferring generational wealth can be challenging – both in preparing to give and in receiving. The reality is that approximately only 30 percent of wealth transfers are successful (success meaning the family keeps control of assets and family harmony is intact).1 A significant part of transferring generational wealth successfully is being proactive and seeking the right […]
Got A Will?

Do you remember the Got Milk ads and t-shirts that reminded everyone to drink your milk regularly? I think we should create a “Got a Will?” campaign. A will should be a standard document that every Canadian has in place but yet only around 30% have an up-to-date legal will*. That’s unbelievable! When I talk with people […]
To Downsize Or Not?

That Is The Question Should we downsize our house? If so, when? Maybe never? I think that downsizing too early or without planning can be one of the most costly retirement mistakes. I have seen couples that have downsized, found that they have not liked it, and then purchased a house similar to what they […]