Dynamic Duo Joins the Dream Team

“Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life forever”- Amy Poehler

This dynamic duo goes as far back as the cradle. Joey first entered the business in 1990 while Cassandra was due to arrive into the world a few months later. Fast forward twenty-five years and fresh out of College with her marketing degree, Cassandra joined her Dad in the insurance practice he had built.  Joey’s knowledge and expertise coupled with Cassandra’s new vision, innovation and goals for the company built a strong foundation as they launched Sansible Planning Inc.

Joey and Cassandra’s working relationship was a natural step after their extensive father-daughter coach and player relationship. At a very young age Cassandra shared a passion for the game of soccer like her all-star father. After helping coach her youth team to winning several championships, it was an easy step for the two to become business partners. For the past five years, they have expanded Joey’s insurance practice to new heights. Although the two have been a successful duo, they have always understood the value of being a part of a bigger team. Pursing this desire to contribute to a successful team led them to Connect Wealth.

Joey is a man of many talents. In an industry that can sometimes be mistaken as dry, sometimes dull and overly competitive; Joey’s strength since day one in the financial industry is his integrity. His success in the industry has come from his willingness to always put a client first and do what is best for them.  His easy going, happy-go-lucky island mentality is contagious to anyone around him. Being a seasoned veteran in the business, he brings a confident relaxed nature which allows clients and colleagues to feel at ease.

Cassandra has always followed closely in her father’s footsteps. Sharing many common personality traits with him, coupled with her mother’s extensive gifts, she seemed made for the business. After being exposed to the world of planning she never looked back. Educating people on their planning so they can understand their financial situation is a big driver for her. She is passionate about encouraging young people to be pro-active so they can get ahead of the game.

Joey and Cassandra wanted to join a bigger team to help propel their goals and aspirations. Finding the right fit was not an easy task. After searching for some time, like Goldilocks and the Three Bears, they found a place that was ‘just right’. Connect Wealth felt like home from the start. Their team approach to everything made it feel like family. Coupled with their professionalism and varied expertise, Cassandra and Joey knew this was the place they could learn and further develop their business to serve their clients best. Most importantly, Connect Wealth was aligned with who they are as advisors.

Connect Wealth is an independent financial planning firm that offers holistic advice to clients based on their current goals and future aspirations. We use well-established workflows and cutting edge technology to maximize planning efficiencies while simplifying the process for clients. Learn how you can maximize your financial opportunities at www.connectwealth.ca

In life and finances, the government is our biggest business partner, usually in the form of taxes.

If you are a business owner:
1.  You are a tax collector (payroll taxes, GST, PST).
2.  The government is your business partner (corporate taxes).

As a family, taxes are often your largest expense:
1.  Income tax (as high as 45.7% of every dollar you earn).
2.  Sales taxes (GST, PST).
3.  Property taxes, and so on.

Fortunately, the government has provided different vehicles to help us plan when we pay our taxes (RRSP, TFSA, pensions, IPPs). These can all be great vehicles to help us defer, smooth out and/or lower our tax bills.

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critical illness insurance

A recent study found over 8 million working Canadians are at risk of going into debt, delaying retirement or downsizing their home in order to cope with a critical illness.  When a critical illness occurs, the primary financial impacts are loss of income and inability to meet living expenses.

Critical illness insurance was created (by a doctor, not an insurance company) to help address these issues.  It provides a lump-sum payment upon diagnosis of any one of up to 25 serious illnesses, including heart attack, stroke and cancer. Read more


In a world of constant investment changes, it’s hard to keep up with all distinctions between the various fund options. Mutual funds tend to be fairly straightforward, but when it comes to segregated funds, they do offer some distinct differences that some people may not be aware of when differentiating the two. What is a segregated fund you ask? In simple terms, it’s a mutual fund wrapped around an insurance contract with a tidy bow on top. But what does that actually mean to me as an investor?

Segregated Funds offer three fairly distinctive advantages and disadvantages: Read more